Hot Hot Hot!
G’day Perthlings,
Bracing ourselves for another toasty week ahead, we have two very appropriate picks for the week, the first being a fabulous indoor candidate (exactly where I’m gunna be…in the AC lol) and the second being one of the most tolerant, easy to grow plants in the nursery at this time of year! Monstera Deliciosa Tauerii is a beautiful tropical evergreen that makes a large and attractive indoor plant. Monstera are easy-care and often referred to as the Split-leaf Philodendron or Fruit Salad Plant. The Tauerii is the dwarf variety of the Deliciosa, growing to around 2m tall. Indoors, they thrive on bright, indirect light and prefer to be watered well only when dry. Light is very important to produce the leaf perforations and the Tauerii produces perforations far earlier in its growth than the Deliciosa. Kept in a pot indoors or under the protection of a not too shady patio, this gorgeous plant makes a fabulous feature. A bit of useless yet interesting trivia…the Monstera developed its leaf perforations as an evolutionary way to survive in windy habitats! Mesembryanthemum Pig Face Magenta is stunning through spring and summer when this pretty perennial is covered in masses of large daisy-like, magenta flowers. Magenta Pigface is an easy-care trailing groundcover which is ideal for sunny, well-draining areas. Tolerant to full sun, drought, and mild frost it can grow up to 20cm wide in an ideal habitat and lends itself to a multitude of situations; mass planting, hanging baskets, slopes, containers, and borders. Have a great week guys and stay cool
All the best
Joanne Hughes
Wanneroo Plant Farm
Ph: 08 9405 2615