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Welcome to the first update of 2022 Green Thumbs!
As promised we still have our old favourites for you but we also have some fabulous new stars for 2022. First up, a newcomer in our midst...

New Year's greetings lovely Perthlings!
2021 overall, for the world, was a little bit crappy, but may 2022 bring good health, peace and make you all happy! We'll be bringing on...

Merry Christmas Everybody!
Merry Christmas one and all. Hoping all your Christmas' are "merry" and "bright" even if they can't be "white". And if you are doing the...

Tis the season to be jolly!
Seasons Greetings Perthlings! With less than a festive week to go to the pinnacle of the silly season I hope you're all enjoying the mad...

Ode to the Canna
Of all the lilies in the land the Canna is by far most grand. When planted firm in soil rich with humus under full sun or part shade...

The countdown has begun...the advent calendar doors are still being torn off with gusto as the "delicious" advent chocolate doesn't...

This week Green thumbs...
This week Green thumbs... We are showcasing lovely blue flowerheads on stems around 1m tall. Low maintenance and hardy....sound good?...

Native Gem...
Good evening Perthlings, After a toasty weekend, the first of many I suspect, we're keeping it short and sweet this week! For the last...

Colourful greetings!
Hey Perthlings, What a fabulous weekend, finally dry enough for our waist-high grass to be cut (thanks to the boys from Flametree Arb and...

Is it Lobelia, is it Star Jasmine, is it a creeper, is it ground cover...
Happy weekend fellow Perthites! .. No and yes! It is a ground cover and a creeper, a distant relative of Lobelia and it has gorgeous tiny...
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